Where Western Medicine Meets Ancient Medicines Wisdom

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Who We Are And What We Do

Meet Dr Wayne

Hello there! I'm Dr. Wayne Pickstone, and I'm on a mission to help you achieve optimal health and wellness 🦸‍♂️

With over 34 years of expertise, and over 130,000 consultations under my belt, I've dedicated my career to empowering individuals like you to live their healthiest, happiest life.

My expertise spans a wide range of topics, from Skin Care to Longevity, from Life Coaching to Ayurveda. I am the proud owner of Unique Health and Wellness and am a published author, but that's not all!

I'm not just a practitioner – I'm also a mentor to other wellness professionals. From Medical Doctors to Osteopaths, Naturopaths to Chiropractors, I've shared my insights and wisdom with the best and brightest in the field.

So, are you ready to embark on your health journey with me?

Whether it's through eBooks, webinars, e-learning courses, or membership sites, I've got everything you need to thrive.

Let's work together to turn your health dreams into reality! 💪

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Eat Good. Feel Good.

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Get up and Go

Dare To Be Great

Grown by Nature

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Healthy Snacks

Healthy food

Healthy life

A natural way of improving your health.

Train Yourself to Exercise in the Morning in Just a Week.

A natural way of improving your health.

Enhancing the personal healing experience.

A Whole New Way to Take Your Vitamins.

Smoothie Recipes Loaded with Winter Superfoods.

Healthy Desserts Shockingly High in Protein.

Healthy Desserts Shockingly High in Protein.

Healthy Desserts Shockingly High in Protein.

Healthy Desserts Shockingly High in Protein.

Because You Matter

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Family & Community Medicine

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Certified Health Professionals

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Improve Your Life

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